Monday, January 21, 2008

What a week!!!

There are some weeks that are just crazy--this was one of them..
Mon was Rosie's first hip-hop class, she loved it!! Had a really good time..then gym and scouts in the evening...
Then Tues was co-op for Noah in the AM(he's getting an A in geometry!) then some errands to get stuff done for the meet and then privates and gym and a mtg for Dad in the evening...
Wed was wow--first getting to the Air and Space museum way early for filming the newscast--Noah is on the robotics team there--then bowling and lunch with friends--then school and getting the house together--then gym and then Kung Fu
Thurs was co-op and gym and robotics---and getting ready for the meet
Fri was getting ready for the meet and getting ready for Noah to leave for the weekend--he went camping in Kansas with scouts. Outside in the 15 degree cold camping! Crazy boy!! Decorating for the meet and then the fun setting of hair and such--I also had a Winnie-the-pooh class at the park--cute little kids!!
Sat--out and up early! Final meet prep and then ready for being a second shooter for a photographer there--used canon for the first nice for sports! Fast! Did beam and floor..Rosie placed 2nd on level 4 and not last on level 5 She really did well--5 was for fun and she made almost everything--not quite her kip on high bar...but she'll be ready next year! The team won both 4 and 5! Woohoo!
Then Sat night after we got home(after being there 13 hours!) she got sick---all night stomach issues! Lots of cleaning and little sleep--she so rarely gets sick==poor girly--
Sun she was still not up to par--so we watched movies--she and I watched The Miracle worker and the olders version of yours mine and ours(Lucille Ball!) and then when Noah came home tired and smelly we all watched Ghostbusters--the kids hadn't seen it--cracked them up!
Tim is off today but still had to go in--not all day though--probably just go to my folks house and hang out for a bit if Rosie is feeling up to it--have another crazy week so we need to rest up for it!!

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